Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Still being tested...

So, in my last post I was so proud of myself for walking through a test and coming out stronger in my faith and without sinning in doubt/trust...

That was Thursday morning. I praised God all day long... and then Thursday night came. I do not usually get to go to the Movement since Hayes is a little older and won't fall asleep anywhere anymore. But, in God's grace, Hayes fell asleep at Melinda  Hand's home and off I went.

I walked into the Movement and straight to Seth. He was in a back room where he and band worship and pray before walking onto the stage to lead worship. As I aproached the door, I noticed the entire band standing in silence, all shocked. I had no idea what happened. Then, one of the guys whispered, Seth's guitar strap just broke and his guitar fell, and it, too, is broken.


I panicked on the inside, not knowing how Seth would react. He seemed calmed, but I wasn't sure. He assured me it was "just a thing" and it "could be fixed". But, this sent me into a confused state - lots of feelings/questions/frustration. I remember thinking "No, no - my test is over. I came out faithful and stronger - no more testing!". And I lost it - I cried. A lot. But, I still did not want (deep down) to sin in my reaction. I wanted to trust God and remember that just that morning I had praised him for always being faithful and good. So,  grabbed a friend and poured all of it out on her. Then, another friend came to pray over me. And as she was, I felt the Lord letting me see what almost happened. See, just like Eve, Satan asked me if God was really good. And, I almost said, no - and sinned. But, in His rich grace and favor, He had me at the Movement, where Godly friends surrounded me in my moment of weakness and reminded me of how good He is and that He loves me.

So, I'm thankful again. And, so thankful for Godly friends that can lift me up when I want to doubt God's goodness. That can pray for me and help me when I'm hurting.

Psalm 116:5
How kind the Lord is! How good he is!

    So merciful, this God of ours!

Psalm 73:28
But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.

So, if you starting to doubt God's goodness, I urge to be reminded that He is. His word tells us He is. My life is a testimony that He is and I praise Him for that goodness.

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